We started our adventure on August 6th, 2014, as
we pulled our 5th wheel into the campground at Maumelle Park, AR.
Although this had been many months in planning, it was all a bit of a blur as
we packed our personal items for storage and sold the rest. We signed a
Lease-Option with our tenant-buyers on our 2570 square ft. house, and away we
went! It sounds so easy, but it was definitely a challenge as we purged and
purged again. (If you have any questions about how to lease-option your house,
please feel free to email me.)
After the afternoon of “moving” into our 32’ 5th
wheel, we were surprised that all of our necessities and even a few niceties
actually fit! With a little more organizing, it will be better than I envisioned.
I have posted some “before” pictures and after I get it
organized, I will post some after pics. I had a difficult time finding many
craft storage ideas for full-time RVers on Pinterest, so I will definitely be
sharing those too. J
The plan is to live on the cheap, ditching our big mortgage
and save, save, save for a house that is paid for. In the mean time, travel a
little between working, visit family, and see parts of the US we’ve never seen
before. Just he and I and our Austrailian Shepherd, Libby. Want to come with us
on our journey?